AWS SAP Certification


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We have a special offer for you if you need to get certified quickly. We have a special batch for urgent certification here; you will get all of our special tips & tricks for the exam. Click on the WhatsApp button and send your desirable certification name. Our course expert will reply to you asap.


What Our Client’s Say About us


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud platform that is hosted across numerous global data centers. It is the market leader in delivering cloud-based services for enterprises, making it a vital strategic initiative for businesses looking to remain competitive. To support the growth of AWS, Amazon has developed a certification and training program. There is currently a significant demand for AWS certified professionals worldwide. AWS recommends using a digital badge and title format that can be included on business cards for individuals who have earned certification. The best thing about AWS Certification is that it is open to candidates over the age of 18, as well as those between the ages of 13-17 with the consent of a parent or legal guardian. The exam can be taken using either an online proctoring testing environment or a testing center facility. The exam is offered by software such as Pearson VUE and PSI, both of which deliver AWS exams.

Certify Me Quickly!!


Exam CodeCS0-002
Number of QuestionsMax. 85 questions
Question TypesMultiple Choice and Performance-based
Length of Exam165 Minutes
Passing Marks750 (on a scale of 100-900)
LanguageEnglish, Japanese, TBD – others
Testing ProviderPearson VUE


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